Mandela: An Audio History
Part1: (1944-1960) Part2: (1960-1964) Part3: (1964-1976) Part4: (1977-1990) Part5: (1990-2004)

We highly recommend the following resources:

Frontline: The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
Mandela Centre of Memory
U.S. Library of Congress SA Country Study
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Website

Timeline Sources:
Hagemann, Albrecht. 1995. Nelson Mandela, Rowohlt Verlg, Reinbek, Germany
Krog, Antjie. 1998. Country of My Skull. Three Rivers Press, New York.
Mandela, Nelson. 1994. Long Walk to Freedom, Little Brown and Company
Sampson, Anthony. 1999. Mandela: The Authorized Biography, Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg.

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